Intotdeauna am stiu ca muzica simfonica trebuie sa aiba un loc in viata mea, insa mi-a fost imposibil sa-l gasesc exact. Ca intotdeauna, raspunsul a venit la momentul potrivit printr-o serie de coincidente fericite.
Prima a fost ca am gasit simfoniile lui Beethoven pe filelist, a doua ca am uitat winamp-ul pornit atunci cand am intrat in Starcraft.
Citisem pe undeva ca muzica clasica ajuta foarte mult concentrarea si tind sa cred ca este adevarat. Avand in vedere ca singurele momente in care ma concentrez eu in viata asta cu adevarat sunt atunci cand joc Starcraft, pot spune cu certitudine ca da, muzica simfonica ma ajuta mult sa ma concentrez. Saracu’ Beethoven probabil ca nu asta a avut in minte atunci cand le-a compus insa creatiile lui si Starcraftul sunt opere de arta de prim rang prin urmare nu are de ce sa se supere.
Pentru cei care vor versurile melodiei:
Eh Yo, There I was I just hatched…
Started digging my claws into that creep patch…
I have 5 brothers with me, the queen strolled our way…
I felt honored by her presence I had nothing to say…
She said move out soldiers we need a scout…
I felt brave but knew nothing bout we she talked about…
Once she left me and my brothers made our way off the ramp…
But shit running off the creep is giving me cramps…
Don’t know which direction to start, where do we go…
We split up said we’d meet in the center at 4…
Inside hoping we didn’t find what we searched for…
Something about a terran, sounded scary i was nervous…
Heard gunfire as we approached a ramp down south…
We looked out couldn’t see, the buildings at the mouth…
My brother tried to rush in I screamed no don’t do it…
The buildings formed a wall he died I just knew it…
[Chorus x2]
It’s the life of a zergling scout the base outside…
Not much for damage or health it’s suicide…
I know a lot of people say our ancestors were better…
Just a life of a zergling thought I’d write this letter…
Pai ce faci ma dai doar juma din versuri?
dachiar asa!!!huh?
Sa fiu sincer, am crezut ca nu o sa le citeasca nimeni asa ca nu mi-am batut capul prea mult cu versurile :))
ghici cu cine am jucat sc2!!!
cu Wolf!!!
i-am batut rau pe aia!!!
Asa dovlecel, antreneaza-te. De-abia astept sa jucam impreuna.